Chapter meetings are a great way to get involved and get to know fellow North Carolina Art Therapists! We have switched to a flexible, quarterly meeting schedule. In the past, our meetings have occurred primarily in the Triangle area; however, we would very much like to meet with members in other areas of the state, as well! If you are interested in hosting a meeting or social event in your area, please let us know: [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!
Here's a glance at some of our previous chapter meetings...
Open Art Studio and Chapter Meeting at the Art Therapy Institute, Carrboro, NC June 2018 Art Therapy Presentation at Southern Pines Public Library, Southern Pines, NC, May 2017 NCATA recently partnered with Southern Pines Public Library to host a day of art therapy in honor of National Mental Health Awareness Month! Participants learned about the profession of art therapy, and created hand-made Community Peace Flags to honor wishes, hopes, dreams, and goals for personal and community health.
Destination Dix Festivalat Dorothea Dix Park, Raleigh, NC, July 2016 At the Destination Dix Festival, NCATA and some wonderful community members held down the art therapy outreach tent! Festival-goers were invited to participate in our public art activity, The Poetree Project. Participants created Artist Trading Cards to decorate our hand-painted Poetree; once a card was made, the maker was invited to take another artist's card, in true "Make-One-Take-One" style. An estimated 150 community members took part in building our Poetree - what a great time!